Thursday, 28 July 2011

How to create SRDF pairs between two EMC symmetrix VMAX storage arrays

How to create SRDF pairs between two EMC symmetrix VMAX storage arrays

This article provides step by step configuration procedure to create SRDF pairs between two EMC symmetrix storage arrays. 

1. Establish the replication link between the production site (source) and dr site (destination). The EMC symmetrix VMAX supports GigE RAs that can be used to configure FCIP between two sites. The other alterbatives are DWDM (FC) or use third party solutions such as Brocade 7800s to establish the connectivity between the sites. Click here to find the procedure for configuring FCIP using Brocade san switches.

2. Create an RDF group between two sites. To create RDF group 'testrdfg' with group id 3 and RDF directors 7G between symmetrix id 089 (prod site) and 099 (dr site), execute the command below

symrdf addgrp -label testrg -rdfg 03 -sid 089 -dir 7g -remote_rdfg 03 -remote_sid 099 -remote_dir 7g -gige 

3. Create a text file on the management server as below with a list of source devices against the destination devices. 

In the example, we will be creating an RDF pair from source device 045C on symmetrix id 089 to destination device 0285 on symmetrix id 099. So the text file will look like this

# cat pair.txt
045C         0285

045C and 0285 should have identical device characteristics. For example, if 045C is a striped meta device with 4 hypers of 60GB, then 0285 must be a striped meta of the same size. Click here for the procedure to create and expand striped meta devices. 

4. Create the pair between the source and target devices using the above text file. The command below will create pair between the devices mentioned in the text file from source array 089 using rdf group 3. rdf group 3 is already configured between Sym ID 089 and 099. So the command will pick the destination device 0285 from Sym ID 099 based on the relationship defined in rdfg 3. The commad will create the pairs in Adaptive copy mode. 

symrdf -file pair.txt -sid 089 -rdfg 3 createpair -type RDF1 -invalidate r2 -rdf_mode acp

5. Check the status of the pair. You will see suspended status.

symrdf -file pair.txt  -rdfg 3 query -sid 089

6. Start the synchronization of the pairs. Once the below command is completed, execute command in step 5 to verify the status.

symrdf -file pair.txt  -rdfg 2 esta -sid 089

7. Switch the SRDF mode of operation from adaptive copy to Aysnc or sync, depending on the requirements. It is recommended to wait until the pairs are in sync in adaptive copy mode before switching the mode. There are also other caveats in configuring SRDF/A or SRDF/S which I will explain in another post.

symrdf -file pair.txt -rdfg 2 set mode async (or sync)

8. You could also create a disk group and add all source devices into it and then manage the pairs using the dg name. For example, the below commands create 'pair_dg' and add device 045C into it.

symdg create pair_dg -sid 089 -type RDF1
symld -g pair_dg add dev 045C -sid 089

9. Once the dg is created, use the dg name instead of the file name to query the pair status

symrdf -g pair_dg query -sid 089

Please note that you could have as many devices as you wish in the pair.txt file before issuing create device. You should also take precaution and necessary checks to make sure that the R2 devices on the destination array is not in use.


Wednesday, 13 July 2011

How to migrate EMC Symmetrix LUNs non disruptively to another tier using symcli command symmigrate

How to migrate EMC Symmetrix LUNs non disruptively to another tier using symmigrate command


EMC Symmetrix Virtual LUN technology enables transparent, non disruptive data migration among storage tiers within the array and between RAID protection schemes without impacting local or remote replication. You can migrate data to unconfigured space or configured space.

Solutions Enabler 7.0 introduced a new symcli command symmigrate. Follwoing example use symmigrate command to non disruptively migrate an EMC LUN to another tier.


In this example, EMC symmetrix device 105e is a 30GB concatenated meta device in tier 1. This device needs to be migrated to tier 3. Given below are the step by step tasks to perform this migration


Create a concatenated meta device in the target tier (tier 3) of 30GB. Click here to find out the procedure for creating concatenated meta device. For this example we will use 27F7 which is a concatenated meta device in Tier 3 disk group.


Create a device file with source and destination devices. In this example I have created ‘migdevice.txt’. The content of the file is listed below. It is not necessary to create a text file, the symmigrate command can be used to migrate all devices in a device group or storage group.

# cat migdevice.txt

105e 27F7


Before performing the migration, run symmigrate command in validate mode to make sure that a migration can be completed with the source and target devices mentioned in the configuration file. You can name the migration session so that it is easy to identify and manage later.

#symmigrate -name testmig -sid 8899 -f migdevice.txt validate –v


Once the validate operation is completed successfully, the migration session can be established

#symmigrate -name testmig -sid 8899 -f migdevice.txt establish -v


Check the progress of the migration using the below command. Wait until the the status changes to “migrated”

#symmigrate -name testmig -sid 8899 query -detail -i 10


List the devices and make sure that the storage tier has changed

#symdev show 105E


This device will be showing the original disk group of 27F7

#symdev show 27F7


This device will be showing the disk group of the original 105E. Basically they would have swapped the disk groups.


Once the migration is completed, the session can be removed or terminated. The terminate operation removes the migration session named “testmig”

#symmigrate -name testmig -sid 8899 verify -migrated

#symmigrate -name testmig -sid 8899 terminate


All done!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

How to replace a failed root disk using Solaris Disk Manager

How to replace a failed root disk using Solaris Disk Manager


In this example, c0t0d0 and c0t1d0 are the root disks and they are mirrored using Solaris disk manager. The disk c0t0d0 failed and needs replacing. The failed disk c0t0d0 holds meta mirror d10,d11,d13,d14,d15 and d16.


Remove the mirrors from the failed disk


metadetach -f d0 d10

metadetach -f d1 d11

metadetach -f d3 d13

metadetach -f d4 d14

metadetach -f d5 d15

metadetach -f d6 d16


Clear the meta devices


metaclear d10

metaclear d11

metaclear d13

metaclear d14

metaclear d15

metaclear d16

metadb –i


Remove the failed disk from the meta db


metadb -d c0t0d0s7

metadb –i


Remove the disk from OS


cfgadm -c unconfigure c0::dsk/c0t0d0


Replace the failed disk, possibly by the vendor


Configure the new disk in the OS and create new devices


cfgadm -c configure c0::dsk/c0t0d0

devfsadm –C


Create the partitions same as the existing root disk c0t1d0


prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s2|fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2


Install the boot block and make it ready for OS


installboot /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2

metadb -a -c 3 c0t0d0s7

metadb -i

Create the new meta devices on the partitions of replaced disk


metainit -f d10 1 1 c0t0d0s0

metainit -f d11 1 1 c0t0d0s1

metainit -f d13 1 1 c0t0d0s3

metainit -f d14 1 1 c0t0d0s4

metainit -f d15 1 1 c0t0d0s5

metainit -f d16 1 1 c0t0d0s6


Re establish the mirror


metattach d0 d10

metattach d1 d11

metattach d3 d13

metattach d4 d14

metattach d5 d15

metattach d6 d16


Tuesday, 5 July 2011

How to commission a server and provision storage on an EMC Symmetrix VMAX array with the autoprovisioning groups

How to create commission a server and provision storage on an EMC  Symmetrix VMAX array with the autoprovisioning groups

With EMC Symmetrix VMAX and Enginuity 5874, autoprovisioning replaces Volume Logix as the way to mask storage. This document explains step by step guide to create and provision storage using autoprovisioning groups.

There are four steps involved in provisioning storage.

1.     Create an initiator group – Intiator group contains the world wide port name of the HBA. Initiator group can be cascaded, that is an initiator group can be created by adding two initiator groups, rather than WWPNs. In this example we have WWPNs 10000000caabab1a and 10000000caabab1b

It is a best practice to create the initiator group with “consistent_lun” option
symaccess create –name server1_ig –type initiator –wwn 10000000caabab1a –consistent_lun –sid XXX

Add the second WWPN to the initiator group
symaccess –name server1_ig –type initiator add –wwn 10000000caabab1b –sid XXX

2.       Create a storage group – storage group contains the logical volumes (hypers and metas). Here we will be using 1001 and 1002 as the logical volumes
symaccess create –name server1_sg –type storage
symaccess –name server1_sg –type storage add devs 1001:1002 –sid XXX

3.       Create a port group – Port group contains the front end ports to which the HBAs are zoned in. For the purposes of this excercise, we assume that the HBAs are zoned in to FEs 6E0 and 7E0.
symaccess create –name portgroup_6e0_7e0 –type port –dirport 6E:0, 7E:0 –sid XXX

4.       Create a masking view, binding the initiator group, storage group and port group
       symaccess create view –name server1_mv –ig server1_ig –sg server1_sg –pg portgroup_6e0_7e0

6.       Verify that the storage is provisioned correctly
symaccess show view server1_mv –sid XXX

Sunday, 3 July 2011

How to configure a Brocade switch as an Access Gateway – step by step

How to configure  a Brocade switch as an Access Gateway – step by step

Configuring a Brocade switch as an access gateway  is a two step process, first enable the NPIV capabilities on the uplink switch ports by executing steps 1 to 4 and then configure Brocade switch in Access Gateway mode.

In the example below, the we have two switches – “core-sw” which is the core switch where the access gateway will be hooked up and “edge-sw” which is actually being reconfigured as access gateway.

  1. Login to the uplink switch where the Access Gateway will be connected.

  1. Identify the ports for uplink and verify whether the ports are NPIV capable. “NPIV capability” must be set to “ON” for the identified ports. If not proceed to step 3 otherwise step 4.

core-sw# portcfgshow 

  1. Enable NPIV capability for the identified ports. For example port 7 and 15

core-sw#  portcfgnpivport 7  1
core-sw#  portcfgnpivport 15 1
core-sw#  portcfgshow

  1. Disable these ports temporarily

core-sw#  portdisable 7
core-sw#  portdisable 15

  1. Login to the Brocade switch that need to be configured as AG

  1. Disable the switch

edge-sw#  switchdisable

  1. Clear any configuration that may exist in the switch

edge-sw#   cfgclear; cfgsave
  1. Check the firmware version on the switch. If it is lower than 5.3.1a, upgrade before proceeding

edge-sw#   firmwareshow

  1. Enable Access Gateway Mode on the switch. The switch will reboot automatically and come back in access gateway mode.

edge-sw#   ag --modeenable

  1. Verify the mode of the switch. This will display the configured switch mode, ie, Access gateway mode enabled or disabled.

c-class-gw#   ag --modeshow
c-class-gw#    switchshow

  1. Name the Access Gateway. Follow the standard naming convention. Eg: aga00, agb00

c-class-gw#   switchname aga00

  1. List the current F port to NPIV mapping. This is required to delete and remap the ports as per BL standards.

c-class-gw#   ag --mapshow  # list the current mapping

  1. Delete the current mapping by executing ag --mapdel port each NPIV port -0 and 17 – 23. Replace the port numbers below using the output from the command above.

c-class-gw#    ag --mapdel 0 “1;3”
c-class-gw#    ag --mapdel 17 “2;4”
c-class-gw#    ag --mapdel 18 “5;6” # repeat this for all NPIV ports

  1. Verify the mapping list is empty.

c-class-gw#    ag --mapshow

  1. Remap as per BL standards. All odd numbered ports to one NPIV port and the even numbered to another

c-class-gw#    ag --mapset 17 “1;3;5;7;9;11;13;15”
c-class-gw#    ag --mapset 18 “2;4;6;8;10;12;14;16”

  1. Verify the mapping
c-class-gw#    ag --mapshow

  1. Attach port 17 and 18 to the uplink switch, if not done already
  2. Enable the ports on the uplink switch, from step 4

core-sw#   portenable 7
core-sw#   portenable 15

  1. Verify the AGs are logged in to the fabric. The port will come up as NPIV if there are AGs have configured devices, otherwise the WWN of the port will be displayed.

core-sw#   switchshow

  1. To view the WWN of the server switch, execute portshow on the NPIV devices. The WWN of the server switch will come up in the NS as well.

core-sw#   portshow 7
core-sw#  portshow 15

  1. Proceed with the zoning operation as per standards

  1. Access Gateway configuration complete